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The Hidden Dangers Of Shortcuts In IT Security

The National Cancer Institute in Maryland recently reviewed data from three significant US health studies that tracked daily multivitamin use. Their findings revealed that individuals who took daily multivitamins had a 4% higher mortality rate compared to those who did not.

This unexpected result brings to mind a scene from the movie "Grumpy Old Men," where a character humorously notes that despite his lack of exercise and unhealthy habits, he has outlived many who adhered to strict health regimens. This underscores an essential truth: shortcuts to achieving meaningful, challenging goals often lead to failure.

In various life domains, including diet, seemingly simple solutions can result in substantial problems. For instance, "fat-free" or "sugar-free" labels might lead to overconsumption, negating their intended benefits. The Atkins diet, which promises easy weight loss by avoiding carbs, has caused health issues due to its imbalanced approach. Similarly, weight-loss drugs like Ozempic have led to severe health complications, reminiscent of the dangers posed by quick fixes like Fen-Phen in the 1990s.

In the IT sector, shortcuts are equally hazardous. Many businesses try to meet compliance standards or safeguard against data breaches by opting for the easiest, cheapest solutions. It's a common mistake to rely on free antivirus or firewall software found through a quick online search, underestimating the associated risks. Small businesses often believe they are too insignificant to be targeted, but cybercriminals specifically target these businesses, knowing they likely lack robust protections.

Another frequent mistake is entrusting IT management to an acquaintance or someone with basic tech knowledge but lacking professional expertise. When businesses switch to professional IT services, numerous inefficiencies and vulnerabilities are typically uncovered. The issue is not the intent but the lack of necessary skills and resources, which significantly increases risk.

However, not all shortcuts are harmful. Entrusting IT matters to an experienced managed services provider can be the optimal "easy button." By partnering with professionals who understand your industry and its specific requirements, you can achieve compliance, security, and operational efficiency without the associated stress.

Choosing the right IT provider is crucial. History shows that experts can be persuasive even when wrong, as demonstrated by past medical practices like lobotomies or financial scams like Madoff's Ponzi scheme. Therefore, it's vital to thoroughly vet potential IT partners, ask pertinent questions, and seek testimonials from other clients.

When deciding which IT provider to entrust with your network, take it seriously and don't blindly follow anyone's advice. While you don't need to know every technical detail, it is your responsibility to ask questions, request testimonials from other clients, and hire someone trustworthy. Your company's security, reputation, and future depend on not letting the wrong person compromise your business.

If you're ready to delegate your IT needs to a reliable team of experts, our team is prepared to manage your network, allowing you to focus on growing your business while we protect it. (Check our website for real client reviews!)

To get started and find out what you need, give us a call at 802-331-1900 or click here to book your FREE discovery call now.